Tuesday 2 July 2019

Dahi Potato

There are many potato fans and in my household all of them are. Potato in any form and they relish it. Came upon this recipe and found it to be good with chappathi or even rice.

Dahi Potato


1. Potato (baby potatoes are desirable else cubed potatoes) - 1/2 kg
2. Curd - 3/4 cup (not sour)
3. Chilly powder - 1 tspn
4. Dried mango powder - 1 tspn
5. Ginger-garlic paste - 1 tspn
6. Chopped onion - 2 medium
7. Sliced green chilly - 2
6. Sliced ginger - a few pieces
8. Garam Masala powder - 1/2 tspn
9. Whole spices - 3 cardamom, 2 cloves, a piece of patta, 2 red chilly, 2 bay leaves, 1 tspn of cumin seeds
10. Fenugreek powder - 1 tspn
11. Coriander leaves - a few


Mix the curd, chilly and mango powder and keep aside.

Shallow fry the potatoes until slightly browned and keep aside. In the same oil, fry the whole spices and then add the chopped onions. Fry until brown and then add the ginger/garlic paste. Fry until the raw smell leaves. Add the mixed curd and keep stirring it until the water evaporates and oil separates. Add some water and cook covered for a while. Add the potatoes along with sliced chilly and ginger and cook until potatoes are done. Sprinkle the fenugreek powder and coriander leaves if you are suing. Finally sprinkle the garam masala and switch off the fire.


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