Sunday 7 April 2013

Banana Flower Stir Fry / Vazha Koombe Thoran

Once upon a time in Kerala, Carrots, Beans, Cabbage, Beetroot and such vegetables were unknown except in the high ranges. Housewives in Kerala took a tour around her backyard and came up with vegetables that would be transformed into nutrient packed "Thoran", "Mezhukkuperatty", Curries etc. There would be leaves from the drumstick tree, yam, spinach, stem of the yam plant: the choice was numerous. But now the backyard is forgotten and the TV has taken much of the spare time of every housewife. But the increasing fear of pesticides in vegetables has forced many to return to the old ways. I hear that the banana flower is now sold at a good price for those who don't have it their backyard. 

Talking about health benefits, banana blossom is beneficial for pregnant women, also very high in fibre. They contain saponins, which lower LDL ("Bad" cholesterol) and boost immunity.
So says Chef Shane who now works in Vietnam where banana flowers are used in salads and other preparations. He has many recipes with the banana flower.

Preparing this dish is easy if you know how to cut this "koombe" very fine or in malayalam we call it "kothi ariyuka". Have seen experts in this field and since I have always used the cutting board this art has never been practised. And now that one has food processors everything can be done in a jiffy.

Banana Flower Stir Fry / Vazha Koombe Thoran


1. Banana Flower / Vazha Koombe - 1 or 2 depending on the size
2. Garlic - 2 cloves
3. Small onions - 6
4. Green Chilly - 3 or 4 depending on your tolerance
5. Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tspn


Cut the banana flower finely.

 Apply a little coconut oil on your palms and rub the cut mixture. This will pull the "kara" or the zap out. Mince the rest of the ingredients (leave some onions for tempering) in a food processor or your mortar and pestle. Mix everything and let it cook. Don't add any water but stir it occasionally until it is cooked thoroughly. Temper with mustard seeds, onions, curry leaves. 

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